
Version V.1.6.2 (Advance) published on 09. October 2017

reCaptcha2 added as another captcha option.
Helpdesk can now be reached via a browser tab instead of in an iframe.

Several little stability and CSS fixes
This version of Proforms is compatible with Joomla 3.8 and PHP 7.

This version no longer supports Joomla 1.5.


Version V.1.6.1 (Advance) published on 28. April 2017

This version of Proforms is compatible with Joomla 3.7.

This version no longer support Joomla 1.5.


Version V.1.6.0 (Basic) published on 31. August 2016

This free version of Proforms is compatible and strict standards safe to PHP 7

This version works also with Joomla 3.5 and higher.

Version V.1.6.0 (Advance) published on 28. April 2016

This version of Proforms is compatible and strict standards safe to PHP 7

This version works only with Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x for Joomla 1.5 please use Proforms V 1.5.5

Patch for V.1.5.5 (Advance & Basic) published on 28. November 2014

Issue: You could not hit the button for adding a single option (on any option field).
Download the patch here
All installation packages (v1.5.5) available via our software shop or the helpdesk are patched as well.


Version 1.5.5 (Build 121) published on 20. October 2014

This release is a bugfixing and stability upgrade of version 1.5.

You can download a free patch upgrade here!


- Multiplied display of form-templates bug fix.
  If you had been created a form out of 2 or more form templates with the normal layout system (not responsive layouts)
  using the same layout the output had been displayed multiple times. This bug has been fixed by this upgrade.
- On PHP 5.3 some outputs were not UTF-8 encoded because some servers don't have UTF-8 as default charset.
  This has been adapted for PHP 5.3 systems.
- HTML Elements could be set to be mandatory by using the quick switch buttons or the batch processing,
  which lead to submissions abortions / rejections because expecting a value for HTML elements.
  This has been disabled by this version to prevent users from doing mistakes.
- The title (which is for internal use) of HTML elements were included in submission lists of emails.
  Now no information of HTML elements are displayed in submission-lists.

- The SQL feed option for (only) drop down elements had a typo and were broken. Fixed now.
- The linking function for frontend-app-links had a JavaScript bug which is fixed now.

- Added and corrected Dutch language files (front- and back-end) for version 1.5.5
- Alias place-holder / replacement system has been completely overhauled.
  If users entered characters which were also used as command characters on regular expressions led to malfunctions.
  The special characters of regular expressions are correctly escaped now.
- Alias place-holder system got two more system place-holders:
  * J_USER_EMAIL    represents the user's email address when submitter is a registered user.
  * J_USER_ID        represents the unique id of a registered user. This might be helpful when using the SQL apps for saving data in own SQL tables.
  PLEASE NOTE: This two new system place-holders apply for the core system of Proforms. If you are using old apps, those might not support the new place-holders!

Version 1.5 (Build 120) published on 23. May 2014


++ Refactored frontend ++
This doesn’t affect any functionality but is very important for future-proof usage of Proforms.
 Only the new architecture allows us for presenting you the new features below and all new to come.
In general these changings making Proforms more stable.

++ Responsive Layout System ++
Additionally to the default form template layout system we have created a very own responsive-form template system. It allows you to create own layouts so that you don’t need to choose a fixed layout. The responsive layout system creates responsive / fluid forms which are fitting the form to mobile devices.
We have also added a responsive workaround function for old forms created by the old layout system. This workaround fits old forms by JavaScript to the size of mobile devices.

++ Completely overhauled form element editing ++
We made the form creation and editing more user friendly.
- You can process form elements by batch processing now.
- You can easily order one or more form elements by drag and drop.
- You can easily move one or more form elements to other slots by drag and drop.
- Text fields support HTML5 placeholders now.
- Two more new question to field arrangement options:
  = No question – Field placing right (if possible)
  = No question – Field placing over the whole range.
  At all this means you can display forms elements without using a question.

++ Conditional PayPal usage ++
You can verify a special form element on a value. If this value is set then PayPal will be used.
This is intended for payment forms where you probably want to use other payments methods than  PayPal. ( Works only for single value / choice elements and not for multiple choice elements ).

++ Code Mirror usage ++
The old code editor of Proforms wasn’t that stable as we would have wished.
For code editing we are now using the amazing code editor `Code Mirror`.

++ Improved no authorization messages ++
The frontend does give clear no authorization or error message instead of interrupting the site by no clear message.
++ Two new configuration settings ++
- Obligatory sending time validation.
  Proforms’ spam bot trap based on sending time validation can be turned off now.
- You can apply a custom Joomla editor only for Proforms (not for J1.5). This editor will only be used on Proforms’ backend.

Version 1.3 (Build 111)
published on 25. September 2012

This is the official release of version 1.3.
- Fixed 2 tiny bugs.

- Added full Dutch admin language.

- Updated the PDF handbook.


Version 1.3RC (Build 111) published on 21. September 2012


It is available ONLY via the HELPDESK until the stable version is published.


These are the new features of Proforms V 1.3:


- Joomla 3.0 compatible


- Totally new (own) icon set for better usability


- Improved and extended the core and app system.
  The improvements are “under the hood” but will bring you a lot of benefits in the future.
  E.g. we will publish a new version of the Display App soon which will be able to edit and delete stored records at the frontend.


- Improved and extended the selection form elements.
  You can apply a custom “please select” text for drop down selections now.
  You can generate options by using SQL queries (Applies only for the Joomla database).
  You can populate the options by using lists. (Just copy and paste lists from any source in the feed area and hundreds of options will be generated automatically).
  We have added an “empty” button to remove all options at once.


- Improved the text area form element. Now you can apply a maximum characters limitation on text areas. This will use a JavaScript and shows you how many characters left.


- Improved the preview function. Now the preview uses the site view (frontend template) .


- Improved the PayPal function. By the alias placeholder system you can use values of a submission.
  The tax can now be calculated as a percentage.


- Added a “customize” tab at the form creation interface.
  The security and submission area (captcha, submit and reset button) can now easily be aligned at the backend.  You can apply custom text for submit and reset button per form.  The reset button can be switched off by one click.


- You can deactivate the usage of a Meta title per form.


- Improvement of Proforms’ native captchas:
  We have deleted the CSS captcha because it always used to be experimental.
  We applied a smaller and nicer design for the native captchas.
  The native captchas are using “view templates” now. They can be edited similar to MVC – view templates.


- Stability improvements for email sending.



- The PDF handbook isn’t adapted yet for the new version 1.3. This will take a while.

- Many Apps, plug-ins and modules are not Joomla 3.0 ready yet. They will be adapted one after the other.


Version 1.2 (Build 108) published on 2. January 2012

Proforms version 1.2 is a stability package. It does not provide new functions.

Ready for Joomla 2.5:
Version 1.2 is prepared to work with Joomla 2.5.
If your upgrade your Proforms installation to version 1.2 you can upgrade your Joomla to 2.5 and Proforms will still work properly.

Improved installation process:
In addition to errors based on Proforms, there are also errors based on Joomla.
Especially for J1.6, J1.7 and J2.5 the root node of the admin menu can be missing in the db table.
If you are installing Proforms on such "broken" Joomla the admin menu will not be created.

We have improved the installation process so that these kind of errors will be fixed by the installtion procedure.
This also applies to database tables which are not installed because of whatever reason.
This version:
    * Checks if the admin menu is correctly installed and fixes it if not.
    * Checks if all database tables are installed and suplements missing tables.
    * Corrects the work area width if there is a flaw (important for upgrades from basic)
    * Installs a workaround function mb_strlen if this function is not available in your PHP build.

Bug fixes:
Multiple Emails Fix
Joomla 1.6, Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 2.5 have an issue in the mail class.
Therefore you can not apply multiple email address in the old way.
This patch processes the comma or semicolon separated email addresses and applies them
to the email as expected from the new Joomla versions.

Calendar Icon SSL Fix
If using SSL some browser do not show the calendar icon. This is corrected by this patch.

Pagination Fix
J 1.6 - 2.5: Pagination is broken if viewing records with the records manager.

Language fixes:
Joomla 1.5:
- Sometimes the admin link shows 'COM_PROFORMS' instead of Proforms. This is fixed now.

Joomla 1.6 - 2.5:
- If viewing the menu table at the menu manger; Proform's menu types are having a flaw.
This has been corrected by this patch.

The bug fixes are also publicly available as patch:


Version 1.1 (Build 107) published on 19. July 2011

  • Joomla 1.7 compatible now!

Version 1.1 (Build 106l) published on 21. June 2011

  • Full Dutch translation for Profrms Advance and Basic. Thanks to

Version 1.1 (Build 106) published on 21. April 2011


All in One Package:
The installation package is a dual installer and runs on Joomla 1.5 as well as on Joomla 1.6.
The package is also an upgrade package for all the old versions of Proforms.

All new features at a glance:

A confirmation procedure that is required in many countries to pursue a law-compliant mail marketing..

Mass emailing:
If you are storing form submissions in the database of Proforms, you can send targeted email based on this data. You can define the target set by the filter and send only to confirmed entries. You can save emails as templates and reuse them. The email manager uses a new technology for parallel and fast email sending.

By using double-opt-in and mass emailing you don’t need a further newsletter component anymore.

Apps for Proforms:
Apps are extensions for Proforms. They are providing specific functions which are not covered by the basic functions.

Apps will be available separately for purchase.

For customers of a 180 or 365 days service package all the standard Apps are available for free download on the help desk.
The standard Apps are:
•    Scroll down to confirm reading
•    PHP scripts per form
•    Executable SQL statements per form

For customers with a 365 days service package, all coming, additional Apps are free available on the help desk for download.
Planed Apps:
•    User registration
•    Content Construction
•    Front-end display of database records
•    Etc

Import and export of Proforms database tables in the back end.

Similar to the Joomla installation feature you can easily import small changes in the backend of Proforms via patch packages.

AJAX option fields:
You can use drag and drop to create or edit option fields of „Specified Choice“elements.
Options can be sorted, copied and deleted with the mouse. Additionally you can use different values now.

JavaScript framework for comparing form fields:
You can set up comparing terms e.g. for password confirmation.

Hidden Fields:
An additional form element „Hidden Field“ has been added.
Joomla native menu linking:
You can use Joomla’s native menu linking now. In particular for Joomla 1.6 only Joomla’s native menu linking is possible. Short links for Joomla 1.6 will follow in the future.

Additional Layouts:

The 4 columns and 5 columns layouts are now permanently installed.

Language-country codes for Paypal:
You can set up the language of Paypal’s starting page now.

SSL considering for media data:
In particular the security feature of Internet Explorer prevents the loading of media such as
CSS, Javascript or images when the page was accessed via SSL, but not the media.
With version 1.1 this is taken into account.

Usability improvements:
•    Memorize the positions of tabs when saving.
•    Additional „Apply“ button in various areas.
•    If Captcha has been entered once correctly, while the remaining session duration, users will not be asked to enter any further captcha.
•    Etc.

Generally we have made many stability improvements which are not obvious (visible) but have made Proforms much more stable. 


Version 1.0.5 (Build 105qd2) published on 17. January 2011

  • 5 columns layout extension   [Extension only available via Proform's helpdesk]

Version 1.0.5 (Build 105qd) published on 04. October 2010

  • 4 columns layout extension   [Extension only available via Proform's helpdesk]

Version 1.0.5 (Build 105l) published on 25. August 2010

  • Hotfix published for the Finnish frontend language   [Hotfix only available via Proform's helpdesk]

Version 1.0.5 (Build 105p) published on 02. August 2010

  • Form search plugin to extend the native search   [Plugin only available via Proform's helpdesk]

Version 1.0.5 (Build 105mu) published on 28. June 2010

  • Listing Module upadated to version 2.0  [Module only available via Proform's helpdesk]

Version 1.0.5 (Build 105) published on 2. June 2010

  • Full Dutch language package released [Language Upgrade Package only available via Proform's helpdesk]

Version 1.0.5 (Build 104m) published on 18. May 2010

  • Form in iFrame Module published [Only available via Proform's helpdesk]

Version 1.0.5 (Build 104p) published on 10. May 2010

  • Form in Content Plugin published [Only available via Proform's helpdesk]

Version 1.0.5 (Build 104) published on 4. May 2010

Prepared for upcoming new Proforms Add-Ons :
We have made structural changing’s for upcoming modules and plugins.
Coming in the next few weeks:

  • Form in iFrame at module position module.
  • Form in content plugin.


Bug fixes:

  • Sudden disappearance of specified form templates in forms.
    Deleting of a form template has caused deleting of assigned form templates in forms.
    This is fixed now.
  • Upload extension fix. On some servers, assigned file extension constraints don’t have been recognized.
  • Deleting of a database record has caused an error prompt. This is fixed now.
  • No saving of forms if there is not assigned at least one form template.
  • Tooltip fix. If “tooltip” was disabled in the main form template setting it used to show up anyway. This is fixed now.

New functions to Version 1.0.5:

Restricted access
Now you can apply access constraints to forms and categories.

Field alias system
Now every form field can have an alias. This should be a short – one word – term.
This new feature is very important because it gives you the opportunity to:

  • Leave question fields blank now.
  • Display alias instead of questions at the table head of db records, at the head of exports and at the form elements listing.
  • Display field values of submissions in confirmation mails and custom text after sending.

Custom confirmation and main email view
You can append form field values into confirmation emails and to the main email by writing the alias in between curly braces. You can switch off adding the submission listing to the confirmation email or to the normal email.

Add field values to the custom after-sending text
as described above you can use the same technique to add form field values to the custom after-sending text.  

General overhaul of the database record manager

  • You can switch between the display of questions or aliases at the table head. This also applies to the head of exports.
  • Pagination and splitting of database records into chunks.
  • Saving of Joomla username and sending IP at the database records.
  • Export of XLS (Excel 2003 +), CSV comma separated and CSV semicolon separated.
  • Empty all records of a form.
  • You can set which columns you want to display at the table listing.
  • Display and edit single records in the sheet view. (No edition of uploads!)
  • Print the sheet view

New Language Files:

  • Hebrew frontend
  • Slovenian frontend


Version 1.0 (Build 103p) published on 25. February 2010

  • Multilanguage plugin published - [ Only available via Proform's helpdesk ]

Version 1.0 (Build 103) published on 12. February 2010

  • CSV bug fix
  • Norwegian front end language bug fix

Version 1.0 (Build 102) published on 8. February 2010

  • Link bug fix
  • Listing module added [ Only available via Proform's helpdesk ]
  • Full Greek language file added.

Version 1.0 (Build 101) published on 23 . Januaray 2010

  • YES/NO bug fix.

Version 1.0 published on 1.January 2010

  • The first Proforms package.

Version 1.0.5 (Build 104m) published on 18. May 2010

  • Form in iFrame Module published [Only available via Proform's helpdesk]
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Joomla forms Joomla file manager