
Please note that many new features have been added since the first release!
Please read the HISTORY!

Focused on usability.

easy-to-useMailforms was the first form component with a focus on usability.
In Proforms, we have improved it again.
Thus it is possible to create well-designed forms in the shortest possible time.
If you operate a business and offering Joomla services, your customers will be happy over such a simple component.

Modularity, categorization and email routing.

The Proforms system is based on form templates. Form elements are stored in templates. So if you create the proper form, you can make it up from one or more templates. For the one, the reusability is important, for other (e.g. Designer) opens up new avenues of creative design. In addition, you can create categories where you can order your forms. You can assign various email addresses to forms and categories to which replies are directed. This makes it possible to establish aesthetic and complex form systems.

Creative’s plaything.

layouts-dot New to Proforms is the layout system. Each form template has a layout. Layouts arrange positions of form element groups. These Groups can be wrapped by an html decoration (fieldset and legend) and be limited in their bounds. Also new in Proforms is extra html between form fields. These two new features and the opportunity to use and sort multiple templates in forms, allows you to create any form composition which is in your mind. Furthermore we have fully documented the front end stylesheet and built in the opportunity of direct editing and saving it in the admin area. The sum of the new features makes Proforms to the ideal form tool for creatives. You won’t believe this is work you will think it’s a game.

Security, spam protection, and form validation.

secspam-dotIt is possible to validate input fields. This is done server side and / or via JavaScript. Possible validation types include: alphabetical, alphanumeric, numeric, integer, email and URL.
You can also protect your forms with a security code from spam bots. There are 4 so-called Captcha techniques available. New is the use of reCaptcha. This security code is not generated on your server, but obtained from an external source. This makes it possible to provide a security code on servers that have not installed any PHP graphics libraries.
But basically you don’t need a captcha anymore. Proforms uses built-in spam traps. In addition, you can determine a minimum transmission time which declares all submissions as spam if they were transmitted faster than this time. Customers perceive security codes often as very annoying. With our security measures, you can safely turn off the captcha.

Database and PayPal support.

Paypal supportIn contrast to the basic version, Proforms Advance supports the storage of form data in the database. You need just to push a button and Proforms stores the data only in the database, in the database and sends an email or just sends an email. Other settings are not necessary.
The database functionality also includes a XLS and CSV export. Thereby you can view the data e.g. in Microsoft Excel. Satrting with version v1.0.5 we provide a rich storage manager. You can easily customize the records listing, edit records, print them out and a lot more...
Also new is the built-in PayPal support. After your client has sent the form, (s) he will be forwarded to PayPal with the information you provide.

Please note that the Paypal™ feature can take over submission values but has no extensive calculation functions. If you like to add or subtract values based on submission; this must be done by individual coding (e.g. using the PHP app or by JavaScript). The tax can be calculated as a percentage by default.

All features at a glance

  • Layout System (12 Layouts)
  • A form can have multiple form templates
  • Built in App System
  • Double-Opt-In function
  • Mass email sending to emails of stored records.
  • Database Support with CSV export and search function.
  • Frontend display of records by the Display App
  • User Registration by the Register App.
  • Custom PHP code can be applied by the PHP and PHP Plus App
  • PayPal Support (simple)
  • 4 selectable Captcha techniques, including reCaptcha
  • Spam Traps and sending time review
  • SEF Support
  • Confirmation email to the sender (never, ever, or at the request)
  • User credentials are sent in emails (now also data from registered users). Can be turned off..
  • Separate thank-you text or redirection after sending possible.
  • Native code (HTML or JavaScript) is possible at the end of the form. E.g. Google Analytics or Google Conversion Tracking. There can be two different codes entered for the form and the page after sending .
  • Fieldsets and legends are possible.
  • Set of questions and answers (fields) can be ordered now one below the other.
  • Custom HTML code between the form fields is possible.
  • Password and hidden fields.
  • Selection fields with AJAX features. Can be ordered by drag'n drop. Can be generated out of lists or out of SQL queries (Only within the Joomla DB).
  • Text areas with JavaScript maximum characters limitation.
  • New preview function.
  • Each template can have a unique email address to allow confirmation mail.
  • Validation of input fields.
  • JavaScript Form Validation (Can be disabled)
  • Own little JS field comparison framework.
  • Title and Meta title display - Can be switched off
  • Display of the pseudo-category "without category" can be switched off.
  • Width of the Admin workspace is adjustable.
  • Proform's own CSS is editable and storable directly in the backend.
  • Time-limited access to the helpdesk server.

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The name Joomla!® is employed in "fair use"

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Joomla forms Joomla file manager